Thursday, September 22, 2005

Accident Update

I thought I'd give everyone an update on my progress post accident. Turns out I'm a little more messed up physically than originally thought. It seems my body has shift to the left. My pelvis is nearly an inch higher on the left than the right. This is resulting in my back muscles being continually tight and the occasional spasm. I am currently attending physical therapy to help loosen my back and maybe straighten me out.

also to let everyone know I'm moving all my blogs to a personal site in the coming weeks at

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The more things change

I'm sitting here watching snatch on my couch right now. Its the opening sequence where they steal the gem. I hated and still hate this scene, I felt that the camera work and editing was just too far over the top. Heather never agreed with me. You see the only other time I saw this film was with her. Now those of you who are wondering why the hell I am bringing her up its quite simple. It seems that she wants to speak with me or go to lunch or something. WHY? you may be asking and her sister answered this for me. She wants to apologize for what happened between us. Which is funny because when I agreed to actually speak to her my plan was to apologize to her. Its funny the apology party that would have happened. I still hope to talk to her, straighten things out. Maybe just maybe I'll work on being a decent human being again.